Readability Formulas
Free readability assessment tools to help you write for your readers
Reading Levels | Grade Levels | Word Usage | Reader Profiles
System Status:
Saturday | 05-04-2024 | 02:05:00 PM
Spache Readability Calculator v2.0
[ ? ]This is version 2.0 of our Readability Scoring System. Version 2 debuted Sept. 2023. We are currently in Beta (working out the bugs). X
First 20 characters contain non-text characters.
[ ? ]Word count in this text area may show differently after processing your text. X
Word count: 0  |  
[ ? ]Sentence count in this text area may show differently after processing your text, especially if your text contains abbreviated words using periods. X
Sentence count: 0
  | (or) |
[ ? ]If your text is longer than 5K words or contains different sections of text, non-text, or a hybrid of both, we recommend selecting "Process random samples." Our program will analyze random samples from your text and output a single overall readability score. X
[ ? ]You can import the contents of a .txt, .pdf or MS-Word file. You can also copy the contents of a .pdf or Word file to your clipboard first, then paste into the text area. X

Word List Based
Spache Readability Formula


If you need to score your text using multiple readability formulas, please use our Readability Scoring System.

Use our free Spache Readability Calculator to get the grade level of your text and determine if readers will be able to read and understand what you have written. (If you need to score Spanish text, go to

Our Spache Formula uses its own updated wordlist to determine difficult words. The Spache Formula compares its wordlist with your text and then calculates a U.S. grade level based on the number of difficult words, along with average sentence length. ( Learn more about The Spache Word List. )

The Spache Formula is designed to assess materials at the primary through fourth grade levels. The formula can process materials beyond the fourth grade level, but the results start to become unreliable. (If you need a word-based formula for all types of readers, then use The Dale-Chall Calculator.)

Educators, publishers, and researchers use the Spache Readability Formula to create grade-appropriate reading materials for young learners. Its emphasis on young readers and its distinctive word list distinguishes it from other formulas designed for broader audiences or different purposes. Learn more about The Spache Readability Formula.

Paste your text into the text area or upload a .txt file from your computer. For Word or .pdf documents, first copy the text into your clipboard, then paste into our text area. Otherwise, type your text into the text area. For texts exceeding 2K words, we recommend processing random samples of your text. You can select this option below the text area.

Make sure you check the Spache Readability Formula checkbox.

Open the "System Settings" (below the formulas) and change default settings if need be to fine-tune how the scoring system processes your text. Click on any [ ? ] to get more information about the option.

Make sure your text is spell-checked beforehand. Misspellings can alter results. Each sentence should end with a punctuation mark, otherwise run-on sentences can alter results. Abbreviated words should be correctly abbreviated (Mr. or Mrs. not Mr or Mrs). A clean, properly-formatted and grammatically-correct text will yield the best results.

When you're ready, hit the "Calculate Text Readability" button. Our system will analyze and score your text and output the information on a new page. Our free Spache Readability Tool will analyze your text and output the results to help you determine the grade level for your text.

If you need a fast way to see "Word Statistics" for your text, select any formula and hit the "Calculate Text Readability" button. Our system will process your text and output important stats, such as syllable count, average sentence length, number of abbreviations, proper nouns, passive voice, etc.

If you'd like to learn more about readability formulas and their importance to text comprehension, then go to our ARTICLES SECTION.